Turkey Visa Free Countries
Updated List 2025




Turkey Passport Visa-free Travel Update 2025

Over the past years, Turkey and the EU have negotiations about joining Turkey the EU and the Schengen Area. This will grant for Turkish passport holders visa-free access to some new countries in the EU and the Schengen area. Turkey announced that Turkey passport visa free countries will be allowed to enter six European countries, including Spain, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Netherlands, and Great Britain. Worthy mention that Turkey passport holders have visa free access to many important destinations such as; Japan, Iran, Qatar, Hong Kong and Singapore.No doubt that the Turkish government is trying to support the tourism industry and also seeking that the European partners to reciprocate.

List of Visa free countries for Turkey Passport 2025

*Visa on arrival | **Electronic Travel Authorization

Albania Albania Mexico Mexico **
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Micronesia Micronesia
Argentina Argentina Moldova Moldova
Armenia Armenia * Mongolia Mongolia
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Montenegro Montenegro
Bahamas Bahamas Morocco Morocco
Bahrain Bahrain * Mozambique Mozambique *
Bangladesh Bangladesh * Namibia Namibia *
Barbados Barbados Nepal Nepal *
Belarus Belarus Nicaragua Nicaragua
Belize Belize Niue Niue
Bolivia Bolivia North Macedonia North Macedonia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Oman Oman
Botswana Botswana Pakistan Pakistan **
Brazil Brazil Palau Islands Palau Islands *
British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands Panama Panama
Brunei Brunei Paraguay Paraguay
Burundi Burundi * Peru Peru
Cambodia Cambodia * Philippines Philippines
Cape Verde Islands Cape Verde Islands * Qatar Qatar
Chile Chile Rwanda Rwanda *
Colombia Colombia Samoa Samoa *
Comoro Islands Comoro Islands * Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe
Cook Islands Cook Islands Senegal Senegal
Costa Rica Costa Rica Serbia Serbia
Dominica Dominica Seychelles Seychelles *
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Sierra Leone Sierra Leone *
Ecuador Ecuador Singapore Singapore
El Salvador El Salvador Somalia Somalia *
eSwatini eSwatini South Africa South Africa
Fiji Fiji South Korea South Korea **
Gabon Gabon * Sri Lanka Sri Lanka **
Georgia Georgia St. Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis
Guatemala Guatemala St. Lucia St. Lucia
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau * St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Haiti Haiti Sudan Sudan *
Honduras Honduras Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) *
Hong Kong (SAR China) Hong Kong (SAR China) Tajikistan Tajikistan *
Indonesia Indonesia * Tanzania Tanzania *
Iran Iran Thailand Thailand
Jamaica Jamaica The Gambia The Gambia
Japan Japan Timor-Leste Timor-Leste *
Jordan Jordan Togo Togo *
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Tonga Tonga *
Kosovo Kosovo Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
Kuwait Kuwait * Tunisia Tunisia
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Tuvalu Tuvalu *
Laos Laos * Uganda Uganda *
Lebanon Lebanon * Ukraine Ukraine
Macao (SAR China) Macao (SAR China) Uruguay Uruguay
Madagascar Madagascar * Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Malaysia Malaysia Vanuatu Vanuatu
Maldives Maldives * Venezuela Venezuela
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands * Zambia Zambia *
Mauritania Mauritania * Zimbabwe Zimbabwe *
Mauritius Mauritius

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